What to Expect when shipped and Acclimation

What to Expect in the First Few Days

 Fish can be quite sensitive to changes in their environment, and shipping can be a stressful experience for them. Here's what you can generally expect and how to help them recover:

  1. Initial Stress: Fish are likely to experience stress when they are first placed in a shipping container due to the change in environment, water conditions, and confinement. Stress can weaken their immune systems and make them more susceptible to disease.
  2. Behavior Changes: During shipping, fish may exhibit changes in behavior. They might become lethargic, lose their appetite, or show signs of stress such as rapid breathing or erratic swimming.
  3. Recovery Time: The recovery time for shipped fish can vary widely depending on factors like the species of fish, the duration of shipping, water temperature, and the overall health of the fish. Some fish might recover within hours, while others might take a few days to return to their normal behavior.

To help fish recover after shipping:

  1. Acclimation: When you receive shipped fish, it's important to acclimate them slowly to their new environment. Float the sealed bag containing the fish in the aquarium for about 15-20 minutes. Then, gradually add small amounts of your aquarium water to the bag every 5-10 minutes. This helps the fish adjust to differences in temperature, pH, and other water parameters.
  2. Low Stress Environment: Once you release the fish into their new aquarium, provide a low-stress environment. Dim the lights and reduce disturbances to give the fish time to explore their new surroundings without added stress.
  3. High-Quality Water: Ensure that the water quality in the aquarium is optimal. Proper water parameters, such as temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels, should be maintained within the appropriate ranges for the specific fish species.
  4. Hiding Places: Provide hiding places in the aquarium, such as plants, rocks, or caves. These hiding spots help fish feel secure and reduce stress.
  5. Observation: Monitor the behavior of the fish closely during the recovery period. Watch for signs of stress, disease, or any unusual behavior. If you notice any issues, take appropriate action, such as adjusting water parameters or providing medical treatment.

Remember that the stress of shipping and the adjustment to a new environment can weaken a fish's immune system. Even though we quarantine fish and treat them for any fungal and bacterial infections or parasites prior to shipping, quarantine new arrivals before introducing them to an established aquarium to prevent potential diseases from spreading to your existing fish.

It's worth noting that some fish might recover quickly and show minimal signs of stress, while others might require more time and care. Patience and attention to detail are key when helping shipped fish recover and adapt to their new home.


Emergency Acclimation

Follow this guide if something has happened during shipping such as the bag leaking: 
This is what we do for emergency acclimation, your results may vary and we are not responsible if you try this method. 

  1. 1 teaspoon of salt per gallon
  2. Ensure that plenty of air is in the tank by using an airstone
  3. This will assist in emergency acclimation

    These are guidelines and not a way to 100% ensure the fish will live, we do our best to provide Healthy fish that will be added to your family but as with all animals you never know how they will react.